Este término inglés blog o weblog proviene de las palabras web y log ('log' en inglés = diario). Un blog, o en español también una bitácora, es un sitio web periódicamente actualizado que recopila cronológicamente textos o artículos de uno o varios autores, apareciendo primero el más reciente, donde el autor conserva siempre la libertad de dejar publicado lo que crea pertinente. El nombre bitácora está basado en los cuadernos de bitácora, cuadernos de viaje que se utilizaban en los barcos para relatar el desarrollo del viaje.
Creo que está bastante claro...así que...ahí va, mi cuaderno de bitácora online.
How do I start a blog? I guess that is the question that everyone is doing at the time of write the first entry. I don't know, so start with the meaning of blog:
The English word blog or weblog comes from the words web and log ('log' in English = daily). A blog, or in Spanish is also a bitácora, it is a regularly updated website that collects chronological texts or articles from one or more authors, the most recentappearing first, where the author always retains the freedom to stop creating relevantpublished. The blog name is based on log books, travel books that were used on ships to report the development of travel.
I think it's pretty clear ... so ... there goes, my online logbook.
How do I start a blog? I guess that is the question that everyone is doing at the time of write the first entry. I don't know, so start with the meaning of blog:
The English word blog or weblog comes from the words web and log ('log' in English = daily). A blog, or in Spanish is also a bitácora, it is a regularly updated website that collects chronological texts or articles from one or more authors, the most recentappearing first, where the author always retains the freedom to stop creating relevantpublished. The blog name is based on log books, travel books that were used on ships to report the development of travel.
I think it's pretty clear ... so ... there goes, my online logbook.
Estoy enganchadísima a este blog, que lo sepas! enhorabuena, porque es diferente y muy personal sobre todo, minimalista, sobrio, encanta!